Sunday, March 4, 2012

Nine Months and Baby Butts

My favorite person ever.

A lot has happened in the past 2 months. Tommy and I have been participating in bootcamp at Crossfit and really enjoyed it! We enjoy spending the evenings together doing something other than being sloths in front of the television and made a few new friends. We had a wonderful coach Meggin Kremer who made it fun and  interesting every day. Poor Max had to go to ANOTHER chlidcare center while we work out, so that breaks my heart. I hate sending him with more people other than hanging out with him. BUT, Tommy has done so well and has lost about 35 pounds, stopped drinking soda and cut out fast food. I, on the other hand, lost 1 pound and I had a Krispy Kreme. We all have our faults huh?

A quick lunch with my boys! They are the light of my life!

Last weekend I went to visit my BFF Merri in St Louis. I had a mommy only trip, the boys stayed home and destroyed the house! It was so great to have adult conversation, get in and out of the car without taking anyone out of a car seat and shop at my own leisure. I spent way too much money, but got Tommy some new jeans (his old ones were falling off) and a few new things for Baby Max. I love to shop for him!

Max is nearly 9 months old. He is crawling everywhere and pulling up on anything he can get his hands on. He is even cruising around a little on the couch. He is more and more fun each day! He seems to have a preference for me this week and is not interested in Tommy at all. He is so funny, he seems to go in cycles.
He has finally decided he would like to eat a few things, his favorites are apples and bananas, he loves to nub on an apple piece and spit out what he chews on. His highchair is so disgusting! Nastiness seems to stick to him each time I lift him out!

I love baby butts!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The greatst part of the day.

It has taken nearly 7 months, but Max is finally on a schedule!! He has started taking 2-3 naps a day, and I have a pretty good idea when they will be! It is nice to be able to plan your day and not have to worry that he will be too tired to do something, or when will he need to take a nap. It is also the part of the day that I get to spend "Mommy" time doing whatever my heart desires. That usually means that I catch up on shows or hold the cat while I really should be cleaning  the house or doing laundry. I did laundry yesterday (FOUR LOADS!) so today I watched old episodes of The Big Bang Theory and felt a little guilty.

A little pic from New Years Day!

Tommy had drill this weekend which I used to loathe, but I kind of enjoyed just hanging with Max and doing light house work. I do love to be with Tommy on the weekends, even it is doing mundane things like grocery shopping or errands. I try to be thankful every day that he is in  my life and such a great dad to Max. I am one lucky lady.

Tomorrow we start Crossfit bootcamp! Yikes! I am a little nervous, but I am looking forward to getting back on track and not eating so much junk food. I have also taken the 21 day junk food challenge. I have cheated... surprise. I have had white bread, but I have at least cut out candy, cake, sweets, and all that other irresistible stuff! Best of luck to us! I am glad Tommy will be joining me, I hope he makes it to the end and we make some good habits and break our TERRIBLE ones!!!
Soooo..... This is a totally random post with lots of random stuff, but hell, this blog is for me, nobody else, so who cares. I got a new diaper bag in the mail yesterday.

 It is a Nest Hudson bag. I have been on the search for THE PERFECT diaper bag for a while now. These are reasons I love it.

1. It is HUGE. I love a big bag. I am a big lady and I have lots of stuff.
2. It fits cloth diapers!!
3. It is leather and feels AMAZING.
4. I am a magpie and I am attracted to expensive things. SHOCKER.

So I packed it. This is all the stuff I could get in the bag, with a little extra room

It was a hefty purchase and I am feeling guilty about it. I carried it yesterday (to the car, then back into the house....) By the time I went to bed last night I had decided I would send it back it was too extravagant. I woke up this morning and decided I would keep it. I think I will. I have told myself this is the LAST one. We have about 60 bags in this house, a multitude of them specifically for Max. I should get rid of some of them. But for now, I have decided to be ok with this indulgence, even though it is unnecessary. My goal is to not order any more clothes or baby items at least until the end of the month. I am pathetic.