Monday, December 26, 2011

Baby's First Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas! We enjoyed Christmas Eve at Natalie's parents home, with some neighbors, Mrs. Barker and Uncle Dave. We had a traditional dinner of turkey, mashed potatoes and layered lettuce salad. Max had a wonderful time, he mostly enjoyed opening gifts and playing with the paper and the packaging, the toys were just a bonus.

Max is 6 1/2 months old!!  He can sit up, enjoys "talking," and tons of BOUNCING! He really loves to bounce in your lap! He isn't big on eating solids. When he does eat, he prefers peaches and pears and rice cereal. We have recently started to learn to sign, he isn't really into that either.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why I blog

I have been thinking about blogging for a while. It is a great way to document all the ups and downs of life that seem significant or insignificant at the time, but you still want to remember them. I am trying to keep up with Max's baby book, but it just doesn't always happen. I have a feeling this blog will end up more like a weekend warrior/ baby obsessed outlet for me, but its just for me and that is ok.


This weekend this is what we did...

Max quickly increased his number of bottles, so I decided this would be the day we might try some cereal. We tried, we failed. I am pretty sure 0% of what we scooped in actually went down the shoot. That's ok! We will try again tomorrow!

Not too sure...
 We also visited Aunt Mer and then Olivia, Oliver, and Elliott! I have been trying to get this outfit on him for weeks in order to get some pictures with Gram. It was great to see Max's friend Elliott his June birthday buddy. They both enjoy drooling, squealing, and NOT taking naps!!

Max and Elliott 4.5 months